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Preview of Cluedo at Milton Keynes Theatre

Was it Miss Scarlet, with the revolver in the dining room, or was it Professor Plum, with the lead pipe in the library…? As Cluedo heads into Milton Keynes Theatre next week, we should find out the answer!

Nearly everyone is familiar with the classic Hasbro detective board game, and a battered box of it has no doubt been dragged out of many a cupboard just in time for a Christmas or birthday party in households across the world. This game of course is the influence for this new touring play opens which opened on 28 January at Bromley’s Churchill Theatre and continues its tour until July. It is also heavily influenced by the highly regarded, but little known, 1985 film Clue (the name that Cluedo goes by in the US) which starred Tim Curry and Christopher Lloyd.

This new stage version stars Daniel Casey, familiar with a crime or two as a star of Midsummer Murders, and Michelle Collins, the culprit to many a sin of her own as long-running Eastenders character Cindy. Casey plays Professor Plum, while Collins plays Miss Scarlett in the comedy thriller directed by Mark Bell (The Play That Goes Wrong).

The full cast features Jean-Luke Worrell as Wadsworth; Laura Kirman as Yvette; Wesley Griffith as Colonel Mustard; Etisyai Philip as Mrs White, Judith Amesenga as Mrs Peacock and Tom Babbage as Reverend Green. The ensemble are Harry Bradley and Meg Travers, with Georgia Bradley and Liam Harrigan as understudies.

When Miss Scarlett, Professor Plum, Mrs Peacock, Reverend Green, Mrs White and Colonel Mustard arrive at a country house one dark and stormy evening, they are surprised to find they have all received the same intriguing invitation from Lord Boddy. It soon becomes clear that they all have something to hide as the mystery and hysteria grows and the inhabitants and guests of Boddy Manor are killed off one by one, with a variety of familiar weapons, leaving everyone to wonder, who will be next!

This hilarious spoof of a thriller will keep you guessing right up to the finale as both the guests and audience try to work out whodunnit…. with what... and where!

This UK premiere production promises audiences of all ages a nostalgic, fun and thrilling evening of entertainment. Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn, the play is written by Sandy Rustin with additional materials by Hunter Foster and Eric Price and for the UK production, Mark Bell. 

The tour is produced by Josh Andrews and Stuart Galbraith of Kilimanjaro Theatricals, in collaboration with their US producing partners Work Light Productions, Lively McCabe Entertainment & The Araca Group.

Cluedo performs at Milton Keynes Theatre from Monday 30 to Saturday 4 June (matinees on Wednesday and Saturday).

Prices: Tickets from £13.

General bookings: 0844 871 7615*

Access bookings: 0800 912 6971

Group bookings: 0207 206 1174

Online Booking: ATGTICKETS.COM/MiltonKeynes*

*Fees may apply. Calls cost up to 7p per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge

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