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Review of Nell Gwynn by BA Acting University of Northampton at Royal and Derngate (Royal), Northampton

This BA Acting performance of Nell Gwynn heralded my first opportunity for a few years to see the actors from the University of Northampton plying their trade in the Royal Theatre, following something to do with covid and my own unavailability. It seemed quite apt in many ways that it was to be Jessica Swale's Nell Gwynn, presented in the most perfect theatre for such a play, and some boisterous antics, pre-show of audience members (actors) including referencing the "plague". It felt very much 17th Century going on 2020 all over again.

Seeing this work of Swale on stage in the Royal, again under the presentation of the University actors also reminded me of the glorious Blue Stockings by the same writer presented by the BA Actors some years ago, and while many of the hallmarks of that show are here, it didn't quite match that magnificent moment.

Nell Gwynn, if you hadn't already worked it out, tells the tale of the 17th Century fruit seller (and other "trades) of the same name as she ascends to the stage helped by prominent actor Charles Hart and eventually catches the eye of a certain King Charles II. Issues of course arise and relationships are strained as Swale's play continues to its happy/sad climax.

Gwynn is played with immense charm by the wonderful Charlotte Biseker, brimming with confidence and a twinkle in her eye and performance that you can imagine would have been the real Nell catching the wandering eye of that wayward king. George Pavey is that king and a typically rambunctious turn is levelled at the role, as is often the case in productions featuring kings of old. It is perfect of course as this is very much how we would imagine our monarchs back in history, larger than life.

Rose George plays Nell's sister Rose as the perfect opposite with tenderness and much more serious, determined to look after her sister from the dangers events keep placing her in. Lord Arlington, minister to the king, can be one of those dangers as he protects his monarch. In that role, Harry Unwin quietly creates a deep character from surprisingly little in Swale's script. Ines Dias gives some great entertainment as the endlessly stressed John Dryden, constantly pursuing an end, middle and beginning to his play.

As he was in his comic turn in the Flash Festival, Tobias Bradly is a riot of energy in three roles including the irritated Edward Kynaston, cast aside from his female roles, by of all people, a woman. His comic ability is second to none, but after seeing him twice, I would have been delighted to have seen a more serious turn from him. However, alas, not with Nell Gwynn.

A little more serious is Alex Hayes' director at the theatre Thomas Killigrew, his frustration at things out of his control is well portrayed and he is a delight also in the musical numbers (more on those later). Finally, Kate Dillingham brings two very different characters to the stage with actor Ned and the endlessly grumpy Old Ma Gwynn.

While Nell Gwynn is filled with many strong characters and comic moments, it can drag a little at times. However fortunately there are some surprising moments of song written by Greg Coulson that break the sometimes wordy nature of the play. These are realised with great skill by the cast, with both excellent vocals and some rather splendid modern dance. Someone I feel has been watching Six quite closely.

Nell Gwynn was a very enjoyable production, populated by some excellent performances to prevent it from being too stale. While it might not quite reach the heights of Swale's Blue Stockings, it still provided an entertaining two-and-a-half hours of modernised restoration theatre.

Some excellent performances and superb music numbers improve this slightly overlong play.

Performance reviewed: Thursday 16th May 2024 at the Royal & Derngate (Royal), Northampton.

Nell Gwynn was on stage at Royal & Derngate from Thursday 16th May to Saturday 18th May 2024.

For further details about the Royal & Derngate and to book tickets see their website at

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