The film director Baz Luhrmann is a somewhat unique person, the creator of colourful, cartoon-like characters, broad landscapes, and an exceptional user of contrasting music styles. As a result, his work is a Marmite entity, and this musical of Luhrmann's first film, Strictly Ballroom , very much falls into another area between those jars of Marmite in itself. It embodies the sheer ridiculous cartoonish world the film inhabited, but under the direction of Craig Revel Horwood, sometimes becomes a muddled mess, with less clarity than the film. However, is it worth your precise theatre time? This is a maybe. It doesn't start well, well, when it started after a ten-minute technical delay, that is, as there is an introduction from director Craig Revel Horwood that feels like it goes on forever and makes the toes curl with the inane content. Even before that, we had also had the announcement that the star of the show Kevin (Clifton) from Grimsby was not performing, so, before the sh...