The Last Laugh from writer and director Paul Hendy and from producers Evolution Productions has taken a gradual path to the stage following an initial short film by the same name released back in 2017. The short told of a fictional meeting of three comedy legends, Tommy Cooper, Eric Morecambe and Bob Monkhouse in a theatre dressing room. Here they share memories, jokes and sentimental moments of their life and what made them what they are. The sheer simplicity of this one-location film and the whole world of comedy evolving on a theatre stage created an inevitability that this would eventually flesh out into what now is a 70-minute play. It is perhaps no surprise either that this show has previewed for three performances at The Eric Morecambe Centre. So, the question is, has a 20-minute film made a quality stage show, or do we get the token reply to Morecambe's classic quip question "What do you think of it so far"? Much like that was a false cry of "rubbish" i...